Monday, October 09, 2006

This link explains yahoos history and how it all started.

This basically explains that yahoo! started off as a student hobby, this has now obviously expanded into a global brand, which as drastically helped the way communication has developed. The two founders of Yahoo! were, David Filo and Jerry Yang, who started this off in February 1994.
Yahoo was originally named “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web”, although after looking through the dictionary they came across the name yahoo. Yahoo! Then celebrated its first million-hit day in 1994, showing this was a massive hit, therefore making the founders realise that they had a potential business. In April 1995, Sequoia Capital agreed to fund Yahoo!, the initial investment been nearly $2 million.
Now Yahoo is a leading global internet communication which offers a service to over 345 million individuals every month worldwide.

'Yahoo! links up with homepage provider'
Yahoo is defined as a combination search engine and search index to information on the World Wide Web.
The former boss of google has a partnership deal with yahoo, this is hoped to provide advertising and search services on Webwag, he is planning a new project which will allow users to customise their homepage. This Webwag is launched only last month.

This site talks about how yahoo! is making an internet time capule project which is said to be the 'worlds largest time capsule ever in history'.


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